28 December 2012

Granny Stripes Scarf (Graphic Pattern)

Bufanda de Franjas Granny (Patrón Gráfico)

Several people have asked how to make the stitch for the granny scarf. Actually, it is the same pattern as the granny stripes blanket, which you can find in many places, including Caron: GrannyStripes Afghan. For the scarf, I make the beginning row a little differently, so I thought of drawing a graphic pattern for you:

Varias personas me han preguntado sobre la puntada de la bufanda granny. En realidad, es el mismo patrón que la frazada de franjas de la abuelita, el cual pueden encontrar en muchos sitios, incluyendo Caron (en ingles, con gráfica): GrannyStripes Afghan. Dado que el comienzo lo hago un poco diferente para la bufanda, pensé en dibujarles el patrón gráfico:

Granny Stripes Scarf
(graphic pattern)

I started with 15 chains, which is on the thin side (for our mild winters). But you can certainly go wider…Just add more chains to desired width (in multiples of 4 minus 1).
Comencé con 15 cadenas, que en realidad es algo angosta (por nuestro clima moderado). Pero también pueden hacerla más ancha, simplemente añadiendo más puntadas hasta alcanzar el ancho deseado (múltiplo de 4 menos 1).

Here are two more Granny Scarves I recently made:
Aquí les muestro otras dos bufandas granny que hice recientemente:

The multicolored is for the daughter of a friend.
La multicolor es para la hija de una amiga.

In bright and pastel colors, with a white background.
Con colores pastel y brillantes, con un fondo blanco.

And the grey one is for a young lady. With a matching hat.
La gris oscura es para una jovencita. Con una gorra que combina.

Pattern for the hat: Granny Hat
Patrón para la gorra: Gorra Granny


  1. Anonymous12/31/2012

    Great colors! I need to try it!

  2. Love this simple pattern! Looks great in every color. Linking up tomorrow at Tangled Happy. Thanks for sharing this how to! :)

  3. Lovely Scarf!!! Thanks for sharing!!!<3

  4. Beginner here. What do I do after I complete the first three rows shown in the pattern?

    1. Repeat rows # 2 and # 3...until you reach your desired length!

  5. I love your blog and I m starting the granny scarf today!

  6. I love your blog and I m starting the granny scarf today!

    1. Great, Maria! It is an easy and fun scarf to make :-)

  7. I am going on a missions trip and will be teaching this pattern in Honduras to some school children! Of all the patterns I checked out on Ravelry, this was the one that made the most sense. Thank you so much for sharing it here!

    1. Thank you, Jan. It is really simple, good for beginners. Have a wonderful trip! You will be close to where I live (Guatemala) :-)

  8. I love how versatile this granny stitch pattern can be.


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