06 July 2014

FANTASY: New Stitches


As promised, here are the graphic patterns for the Blanket “Sand and Sea”, the boy version of the Fantasy Blanket:
Estas son las gráficas de las puntadas para la Manta “Mar y Arena” (la versión masculina de la Manta Fantasía):  

For this version of the Fantasy blanket, I used a combination of the following three stitch patterns:
Para esta versión de la manta Fantasía, utilicé una combinación de los siguientes tres patrones: 

1. DC + granny
This is basically a granny line between rows of all Dc stitches.
Este patrón usa sólo puntos altos, y la hilera al medio es estilo “granny”, con grupos de 3 puntos altos juntos.

2. Waves B
This is a variation of the wave pattern I used in the original Fantasy blanket (Waves A).
Esta es una variación del patrón de ondas que utilicé en la manta Fantasía original (Waves A).

3. Shells
This last stitch pattern is the same as the original, but I am sharing the chart again to have all the patterns for the “Sand & Sea” blanket all in one post.
Este último patrón es el mismo que el original.

To make this blanket, you need to follow the instructions of the original Fantasy Blanket, but use these new stitch patterns instead.
Para tejer esta manta, deben seguir las instrucciones de la Fantasía original, pero utilizando estos nuevos patrones de puntadas.

All links to: Fantasy Blanket
Todos los enlaces para: la Manta Fantasía


  1. Qué bonita!!! Me encanta la mezcla de puntos y la combinación de colores.
    Es una manta preciosa.
    Un beso

  2. Hermosa y gracias por compartir los gráficos. Buena semana

  3. La imagen de los puntos empleados es perfecta, yo soy de las que saca el punto mirando el tejido. La combinación de abanicos y ondas queda muy bien.
    Besoss Ana
    hoy desde

  4. What program do you use to chart your graphs? I have been searching for one that I can manipulate and have had no luck.

    Your charts are so crisp and clean . . . I like them :)

    1. Hi, Paula. I actually use a Microsof program called Publisher. It is not a "crochet" program, but an editing/publishing one. I learned to use it at work, and I like it a lot. It takes a lot of cut/paste/grouping, but I find it easier to use than other programs. I hope this helps :-)

  5. You are so generous sharing this lovely pattern.

  6. Very pretty, thanks for sharing!! Happy Sunday greetings, Nata xxx

  7. Lindo trabalho. Parabéns.

  8. Oh, how lovely, thanks for sharing so manny patterns.
    Greatings from Vienna

  9. So beautiful!!!
    Happy week,greeting.

  10. Thank you for sharing the pattern Ana it's on my to do very soon list. :) xx

  11. Que bien que compartiste el croquis, es una manta preciosa.

  12. Gracias por compartir!!! Es muy bella!!!

  13. Hermosa!! Mil gracias por compartir!

  14. Preciosa. Saludos. Rosa

  15. Stunning, a totally inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful pattern.

  16. Thank you Ana, this is awesome!!

  17. Thank you for sharing! I love all of your works :) they are very beautifull!

  18. I can´t wait to try it too! Totally inspired by your work! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hermosa... me inspira a cojer el gancho y ponerme a tejer algo similar. Gracias por compartir...

  20. I am working on your original version of the fantasy blanket and love the design. Just found this version and might use it as a variation within the project. Thanks for your patterns, your work is fabulous!

  21. Очень красиво! Спасибо за схемы!

  22. Karen S.3/30/2017

    These Fantasy blankets are beautiful! I've never made a blanket but I have a new nephew on the way...
    Could you tell me what colors and yarn you used for your Sand and Sea version?
    Thank you so much for this pattern!

    1. I think I missed your message over my holidays!
      I used two Turkish yarns: Star and Super Baby, by Madame Tricote Paris.
      But you can use any DK or medium yarn you have.

  23. Hi, Ana, thank you very much for sharing your beautiful pattern. I'll start my Sand & Sea now. Could you tell me how many stitchs, I mean the pattern is multiple of how many stitchs?

  24. Anonymous3/19/2025

    Thanks for this! It answered all my questions. The CPS Test article is great for improving both speed and precision. The CPS Test is a great way to test reflexes and clicking speed. Keep practicing and aim for a higher CPS score each time.


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